One of the hardest assassination mission as you are being sent to assassin monster and mafia. Incredible monster warriors, war criminals, crime lords and gangster mafia have taken control over new york city and turned it into a forbidden city where nobody is daring to go. As a universe defender and an incredible hero it is your responsibility to fight this future war against global terrorist and dark hero, eliminate the terrorist and become a superhero. If you love 3d sniper games and free shooting games then spider vs monster assassin grand sniper shooter fury battle is the ultimate non-stop action packed one of the best free sniper games. This is a stealth shooting game where you have been sent on a shooting assassin mission for gangster assault and to shoot down flying monster superhero with an ultimate sniper gun. Deadly criminals and mighty monster have hired mafia to hunt down super spider hero who has already destroyed monster city once when he was sent on a war rescue mission to perform rescue duty in the battle zone. That army rescue mission had an epic fighting where city fighter, flying spider and flying mutant ninja warrior also took part and used their strange mutant superhero powers to crush monster and mafia.